May 3, 2024

Are There Easy Win Champions in League of Legends?

As a new player in League of Legends, you might find yourself drawn to certain champions that seem to promise easy victories. Champions like Malphite, Urgot, and Quinn are often cited as “easy win” picks, especially in lower ranks. But is there any truth to this notion? Let’s explore the concept of easy win champions and whether they truly exist in the game.

First, it’s important to understand that the perception of a champion being an “easy win” is often based on their kit and playstyle. Malphite, for example, is known for his game-changing ultimate ability that can initiate teamfights and turn the tide of a battle. Urgot’s powerful W ability allows him to dish out consistent damage, making him a formidable presence in the top lane. Quinn, as a ranged champion, can bully melee opponents and create early-game advantages.

However, labeling these champions as “easy win” is an oversimplification. While their kits may be straightforward and effective in certain situations, winning consistently in League of Legends requires much more than just champion selection. The game is complex, with numerous factors contributing to success, such as map awareness, objective control, teamwork, and individual skill.

It’s true that some champions have lower mechanical skill requirements compared to others, making them more accessible to newer players. But this doesn’t necessarily translate to guaranteed victories. Even with simpler champions, you still need to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and how to play them effectively in different matchups and team compositions.

Moreover, the meta in League of Legends is constantly evolving. Champions that are considered strong in one patch may be less impactful in the next due to balance changes or shifts in the overall gameplay. Relying solely on a specific champion or a small pool of “easy win” picks can limit your growth as a player and hinder your ability to adapt to different situations.

Instead of focusing on finding easy win champions, it’s more beneficial to focus on mastering the fundamentals of the game. Learning proper farming techniques, map awareness, and decision making will serve you well regardless of the champion you play. As you gain experience and climb the ranks, you’ll encounter players who are skilled at exploiting the weaknesses of your chosen champions, making the notion of easy wins less relevant.

However, don’t hesitate to reach for help and search for elo boost if you just can’t to climb the ranks on your own or you simply don’t have time to spend on the game.

Additionally, playing a diverse range of champions can help you become a more well-rounded player. By exposing yourself to different playstyles and mechanics, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the game and be better equipped to handle various scenarios.

In final words, while certain champions may have a reputation for being “easy win” picks, the reality is that there are no guaranteed victories in League of Legends. Success in the game is a result of a combination of factors, including individual skill, teamwork, and adaptability. Instead of relying on specific champions, focus on improving your overall gameplay and mastering the fundamentals. Embrace the challenge of learning and growing as a player, and you’ll find that the concept of easy win champions becomes less significant as you climb the ranks.